A Pirate's Dilemma

We're Sinking is a competitive, lightweight, survival, and social dilemma board game.
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A semi-cooperative, prisoner’s dilemma, hand management, and secret action-taking survival game.
In We're Sinking, you and your crewmates manage a ship that's come under attack by a fearsome foe. With water pouring in, stowed-away treasures made up of glittering gems and useful items begin floating to the surface. You'll need to bucket rising water, patch breaches to keep the ship afloat, and fire cannons to defeat the enemy. Or... be a greedy pirate and plunder precious loot! Either way, you'll need to work together to perform urgent tasks or lie to manipulate for your own selfish goals. Will you save the ship or save yourself?
1 Miniature Ship
1 Game Board
12 Enemy Dice
9 Cannon Dice
6 Action Dials
6 Character Sheets
4 Enemy Sheets
4 Threshold Sheets
10 Chest Tokens
3 Breach Tokens
30 Water Cards
53 Treasure Cards
15 Breach Cards
14 Enemy Cards
9 Cannon Cards
6 Player Aids
1 First Mate Scroll
1 Damage Token
1 Custom Box Insert
1 Rulebook
Retail Inquiries - Coming Soon

Remove lower hull sections to track the ship's descent into the watery depths and reveal hidden chests full of treasure and useful items.
A Sinkable
Pirate Ship

Discuss what tasks to perform with the crew, but keep your true intentions secret until all dials are revealed.
Perform Secret

Choose from four different scenarios each with unique dice, cards, and challenges.

Challenge Different Foes

If the enemy is defeated, be the pirate with the most treasure in your pockets.
If the ship sinks, be the pirate with the lightest load.
Multiple Win Conditions

How To Play