
I'm super excited to announce that I'll be bringing We're Sinking to the Origins Game Fair, June 8-12. If you plan to attend, swing by Booth 1251 in the main Exhibit Hall and help support us by spreading the word! If we miss you at Origins, don't worry, this summer is jam-packed with other public playtesting and demo opportunities.
May - June Event Schedule:
Game Kastle - College Park, MD, Playtest Event, May 15, 3-8pm
UnPub Game Convention - Hunt Valley, MD, Playtest Event, May 20 - May 21
Crossroads Tabletop Tavern - Manassas, VA, Playtest Event, June 5, 3-6pm
Origins Game Fair - Columbus, Oh, Demo Table, June 8-12
Labyrinth Games & Puzzles - Washington DC, Playtest Event, June 18, 12-6pm
Game Kastle - College Park, MD, Playtest Event, June 19, 3-8pm
Looking Back
Speaking of origins, It's been almost one year since I started working on We're Sinking and what an incredible voyage it's been so far! I figured it would be a great time to look back at how far it's come. There is no way We're Sinking could have ever gotten this far without the willingness of family, friends and players who have helped playtest and provide incredibly valuable feedback along the way. Thank you all!
Timeline of Major Changes:
April 2021
First playtest - 52 card deck, tiny gem tokens, only 3-4 players. There were only 3 actions, Bucket, Loot, and Patch. The actions were on cards the players played facedown. The water level was tracked with 2 simple cards.

June 2021
Gems were changed to cards, gems are valued based on rarity. Added special items like Cutlass, Crab, Rum, Mop and Compass. In an effort to keep Bucket, Loot, and Patch actions separate from item cards in the player's hands, actions were changed to be on poker chips.

July 2021
The first physical version of the game is built and playtested. Players can discard or draw after a Patch action. Actions are now on hidden dials. The water level was now tracked with 2 larger cards that depicted the ship from the front.

August 2021
Created the first 3D ship model prototype that replaces the water level cards. More minor rule adjustments.

September 2021
Added new action type Battle and created enemies with dice that are chosen at the beginning of the game to change the difficulty. Created player characters and reference cards. The is no longer a set number of rounds before Rescue. Instead, players must defeat an enemy before the ship sinks to win.

October 2021
Added a player board to keep track of card columns and decks. And the game box continues to get larger!

November 2021
Created a separate breach deck. Lots of in-person playtesting.

December 2021
All Character Artwork is done

January 2022
First convention presence at MAGFest. 20+ Playtests completed. The game is very well received. All enemy artwork is done.

February 2022
All Item artwork is done.

March 2022
Created a new first-player token that also lists the First Mate's duties. Resized enemy and water threshold cards. Redesigned main game board, the ship now sits in the center.

April 2022
New Character Reference Cards. Production on the final Ship model begins. New Mini Card Mechanic is introduced.

Next month, I hope to have so updates on the ship model, and the box artwork to share!